Sunday, February 28, 2016

Group Praying in Agreement and Authority when someone is addicted to Drugs. Part 2

Group Praying in Agreement and Authority when someone is addicted to Drugs.

This tape deals with how to pray to release someone from the addictive power of drugs.

The power of addiction in drugs is either satanic or demonic.

If it is demonic, then the addiction comes through demons that are in residence in the person.

In other words , there are demons within the person, and those demons are causing the person to take drugs.

They are binding the drug taking to the person with the purpose of destroying that person.

If the addiction is satanic, then the drug taking is the result of an attempt to alleviate certain emotional feelings.

The emotional feelings being in the realm of feelings of depression,

feelings of inferiority,
a very poor self image that is, feelings of insecurity,

 or feelings of rejection or jealousy.

Feelings of that nature which cause the person to feel very gloomy, or bored, or dull or depressed. or uncertain and the drugs are taken to alleviate that emotional feeling .
Now the drugs at the beginning may be taken to alleviate an emotional state, but satan will take control of the person through the drug taking, perhaps through the chemistry that responds to the drugs, the chemistry in the body that responds to the drugs, and he will begin to use  the states of the person, their depression, or despondency , or insecurity.
he will begin to use these feelings to cause the person to continually take the drug .
And in  the end the person becomes,in our terms,"hooked" or dependent upon the drug to be able to-- well, live any sort of a life at all.
life becomes impossible to be lived without the support of the drug.
Having said that, in this satanic area, we can pray in a way that will enable Jesus , to break the power that satan has in the life of a person who is addicted to drugs in this way.

The redemption of Jesus means that Jesus Christ can put into any man the disposition that ruled His own life.
And all they standards that God gives are based upon that disposition.
in other words, Jesus is able through His atonement to put into the life of any person, the disposition of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now that means in the area that we are dealing with that Jesus in place of say, the sense of rejection, can give a very wonderful realisation of acceptance.
The person's acceptance by himself and as he realises that Jesus has accepted him and he begins to accept himself he begins to realise that other people are accepting him too.

And so that sense of rejection goes.

Insecurity, he begins to realise that God will never leave him.

God will never forsake him.

He has no reason to be afraid, and, he will not be.

And so it goes on with inferiority.

The person comes to see that they are a "worth" person because they are of worth to Jesus, to God.
That they have their right to play their part in life as only they can and that God is very happy with them, with them as they are,and therefore they can be happy with themselves.

And so as Jesus is really able to take over in the life of a person so is He able to set them free.From the emotional feelings that cause them to turn to things like drugs to give them a support to make life, as they would put it, have a few kicks in it.

To make life possible to live what they would think high above the depression and the gloom  and the boredom and the inferiority and insecurity that they feel.
So we 're going to look now at how you are going to pray and we are going to take each of these things that could be in -------'s life, jealousy, depression, inferiority, insecurity, rejection and we 're going to pray about them in the victory of Jesus, but we are going to pray from the stance of the victory of Christ.

That we have the victory, that we have the authority, that we are not asking but commanding, we are not pleading but insisting, we are asserting Christ's victory and are honouring Him.

It is His victory, and we are not going to allow one of His children to be bound by the devil whose power was taken from him at the cross when Jesus shed His blood and God raised Him again from the dead .

Now the first thing you are to do is to protect yourself and your family and your possessions,

 protect yourself with the blood of Christ. 

and you will do it something like this;

"Gracious Heavenly Father, I come to you to protect me fully from any onslaught, from any way whatsoever that the devil can reach me,or touch me or any of my loved ones or anything belonging to me.
I place myself under the protection of Cross of Jesus Christ my Lord.
I protect myself and all of my loved ones and all of my possessions with His shed blood.

I ask you gracious God to place around my mind, around my body, and around my comings and goings, around my thinking, around my deciding, a circle of light through which no evil can penetrate, and in the innermost depths of my being,I ask that I will be protected by your glorious light from all evil.

Thank you Lord, thank you, in the mane of Jesus I am before you."

Now the way that you are to pray is something like this.

Take the time and the trouble to realise the presence of Jesus.

Take the time and the trouble to realise you are in  the presence of the living Lord Jesus.

The all victorious Lord and Saviour who, at the cross, disarmed satan of all his power when He died, shed His blood and rose again. Because in these prayers you are going straight to Jesus,
you are coming to Him and you are going in His victory to give to Him the faith to deliver-------------from the bondage that he is in.

So, you will pray somewhat like this, and you will take each of the things I have mentioned,
boredom if you like,
you will take all of these and pray for each one of them in a manner similar to what I am going to suggest.

Here is the suggestion.

"Lord Jesus , in the power of your victory over all the power of the devil,
when you died on the cross and shed your blood and rose again,
I deny to satan any power to satan to bind to -------drugs as a compensation for jealousy."

Now if you have fully protected yourself by the cross, by the blood of Christ you may continue thus.

" satan, in the name of Jesus you are to release ------from all the power drugs have over him.
He is Christ's child, I deny to you on the authority of His cross any right of any kind, to any hold or power over him."

Now you will pray that prayer as I have said putting in the end as a compensation instead of jealousy,
you will say depression,
and then again instead of depression inferiority,
rejection and so on.

And then you may pray
"Lord Jesus, drugs come from the evil one,
in your name  and in the victory of your cross and resurrection I am asserting your power to set-------- free from drugs.
I thank you Lord for your victory,
I thank you that you are greater than any power of evil that I can see,
I am praising you and giving to you the victory,in the life of -----------.
Thank you Lord. Amen."

Now as the group, those of you who are gathered here,today, as you begin to make this a special prayer project, for --------, and you pray this prayer,each day as you bring him in this way,
and you assert the victory of Jesus over all the power of the evil one we can expect -------to be set free.
We can expect him to be capable of breaking the power in his life that drugs have over him.

I have also given you a gold sheet under the title of "overcoming satan".
This sheet was specifically prepared for someone  who was demonically afflicted but you can very easily adapt it in your praying to the need that is in -----------'s life.
Actually if you have a look at the sheet and you go down to the 4th paragraph where it says "you loose your grip on me and go to the pit where you belong"
All you need to do is to change that from "you loose your grip on me to "on ----------- and go to the pit where you belong".
"On the authority of Jesus word I command it."

you will be able to use this sheet quite effectively in your quiet time.



Group Praying in Agreement and Authority when someone is addicted to Drugs. Foundations

Group Praying in Agreement and Authority when someone is addicted to Drugs. Transcript from tape. Side 1: Frank Hunting

This  is a study on group praying for for those afflicted by drugs prepared on july 27th 1978.

 In this study we are going to look at how we can pray as a group for   those who are afflicted by or addicted to drugs.

In the first place we know our enemy.

No. 1 We know our enemy.

If you would turn to or write down and look it up later,
if you turn to Ephesians Chapter  6 verse 12, in the Living Bible there you have it set forth for us very clearly and very plainly.

It says. "For we are not, we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood but against persons without bodies, the evil rulers of the unseen world.Those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the unseen world .

 Now let's have a little look, just for a moment at how the devil is able to rule us in this world.
It says there "The great evil princes of darkness who rule this world."

In the case of drugs something like this happens.

The person feels depressed, maybe Christian or otherwise, may feel insecure, they may feel rejected,they my feel inferior.

Now those feelings have become strong, and there may be plenty, as they look at life, as they've seen life,  as they have reacted to life there may seem to them to be plenty of good reason why they have these emotional feelings.

Now nobody likes to feel depressed, nobody really likes to be insecure, and none of us are particularly happy at feeling ourselves to be inferior to everybody else and certainly none us enjoy feeling that we have been rejected, we are being rejected by people.
Now to compensate this and easy way that is being taken today to try to compensate or to try to combat or change, or to make different these feelings is to turn to drugs.

And the very words that are used explain this.

That on drugs you go "high" , on drugs you have good ,lovely feelings, while the effect of the drug lasts.

So that's the reason why people turn to drugs and when they do, the evil one, because drugs and all those sort of things associated with them belong to his kingdom.

And when they do, instead of turning to God for the answer, to their depression or their inferiority or their security, or their rejection, instead of turning to God for His answer to these things, turning to drugs they do in fact, without knowing it in most cases, open their lives to the control of the evil one.

And through their minds, through their bodies, sometimes through the chemistry in their bodies, he is able to control them in the way that we call addiction and is often able  to do  what he is always seeking to do, destroy them.

We in the first place know our enemy!

In the second place we know our victory!

Number 2 . We know our Victory!

And you will find this given for us very clearly, in the 3rd chapter and verse 8 of  John's 1st letter.
 1 John 3:8

This is what it says.

"The reason the reason the son of God was made manifest visible , the reason why the Son of God came to this earth and lived among us as a human being was to undo, destroy, to loosen and destroy the works of the devil, the works the devil has done. "

Now the reason Jesus came to earth in one area of our living was to undo the works of the devil through drug addiction.

The power that the devil comes to have over people through their turning to drugs to alleviate some feelings that they have had some time or other.

So we know our victory.

Jesus came to undue those works, that power that the devil has.

If we look again we see where He did this,where the victory of Jesus took place.

And its found in Colossians and other places too for that matter,but a verse that sets it forth very clearly, is in Colossians Chapter 2 and verses 14 and 15.

I am reading to you now from the Revised Standard Version.

It says in verse 14. "Having cancelled the bond which stood against us with its legal demands,this He set aside, nailing it to the cross."
That's simply saying that everything in your life and mine,everything about us that would separate us from God, that would mean we are unable to come to God, these have been all of them set aside.

They have all of them be nailed to our Saviour's cross.

And then he goes on to talk about the devil, "He disarmed the principalities and powers and made a public example of them,triumphing over them in Him, in Jesus or,  in His cross.

Now Moffatt translates that this.
It's a good thing to look up the various translations because they are really needed to get all the meanings that are encompassed , contained, in the Greek.

This is what Moffatt says verse 15, "When He nailed them to the cross, when He cut away the angelic rulers and powers from us.
The angelic rulers and powers, Jesus cut them away from us exposing them to all the world and triumphing over them in the cross."

That's Moffatt's translation.

Now the same wonderful truth comes out in Barclay's translation.

"He stripped the powers and authorities of all their power, at the cross."

Now the devil claims to have power, he bullies that he's got power, he threatens that he has power, he lies and deceives and makes people believe he has power, he gets us looking at the situation, in this case he gets us looking at the person, and he'll say "that person is addicted, there's no power on heaven or earth that can set that man free.he is addicted! There's nothing you can do about it!"

And so we believe his lie.

And our God shrinks to the size that you could put him in a match box.

And we believe the devil's lie.

Not God's truth.

"He stripped the powers and authorities of all their power.
and publicly put them to shame and through the cross led them captive in His triumphal train."

No2. We know our victory.

Number 3. We know our authority.

This is made very clear in chapter 10 of Luke verses 17-20.

And this was a battle that the Disciples had in a head on confrontation with the powers of the evil one in the form of demons.

"The seventy returned with joy saying  "Lord, even the demons", the demons from very hell itself, the demons who are the slaves and servants of the devil,the demons who are evil,evil active agents of the devil in this world,"these demons are subject to us, subject to us in your name "

" In your name" and He, Jesus said to them " I saw satan falling like a lightning flash from heaven.Behold I" who? Jesus! " I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions and physical and mental strength and ability over all the power, all the power that the enemy possesses and nothing in anyway shall harm you."

There we have our authority delegated to us by the Lord Jesus Christ but only made to operate as we believe the Word of God as we assert our authority.
As we in our assertion of the authority, make the devil submit to what is true, that he is defeated, he must yield, he must give way when the power and the victory of the cross is brought down on him.

Number 3 . We know our authority!

Number 4. We know our weapons!

We know our weapons!

And we turn now to 2nd Corinthians Chapter 10, verses 3 to 5, and it's very admirably spelt out for us, what this passage is saying,in the Living Bible.

 Here is what it is saying. Now this ought to give you a lot of comfort what it is saying and teaching.

'It is true that I am and ordinary, weak human being,(now I guess you're feeling that way about yourself, that you are an ordinary weak human being, so was Paul, but the difference between him and so many other Christians was this) but I don't use human plans and methods to win my battles.(He knew he wasn't fighting against flesh and blood so he didn't use human plans and methods)  I use God's mighty weapons , not those made by men, to knock down the devil's strongholds.(Now we are concerned about the stronghold that the devil has in the life off a human being through drugs) These weapons can break down every proud argument against God and every wall that can be built to keep men from finding Him.With these  weapons I can capture rebels and bring them back to God, and change them into men whose heart's desire(the deep down desire) is obedience to Christ."

Well as far as I know there are 8 of God's might weapons.

You may use one singly at one time or several or all of them according to the need.

Hère they are.

God's mighty weapons.

1. Faith that brings God into the situation.Faith that brings Almighty God into the situation.

2. The Word of God. The Living Word of God.

3. The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit controlling, leading and giving insight.
The Holy Spirit.

4. Intercessory prayer.Now intercessory prayer is prayer that identifies with God's will, God's purposes in the life of that person for whom we are praying.And in the case of someone afflicted by drugs is God's will that that person be free from the power that drugs have in the person's life.
We are in intercessory prayer to identify with God's purposes in the life of the person for whom we are praying.

5. The realisation of and the exercising of our delegated authority and power over the devil.We've already had a look at that in Luke 10: verses 17-20.

6. The word of our, or my testimony.Revelation Chapter 12 in this case  if you are a bit baffled as to what the word of your testimony is to be it is this.
The word of your testimony is to be in this case, is to be the actual power of God to set this person free.

That Jesus is victorious that whatever the power,that the devil has in this life through drugs,Jesus has defeated the devil , Jesus has made the devil yield his power,and we are declaring that.
We are saying that, we are believing that and we are saying what we believe.

The 7th mighty weapon that God has given us is the Cross and the Resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ.
The Cross and the Resurrection of the lord Jesus Christ.
Brought out in passages like Hebrews ch2 v 14.
Colossians ch2 v 14 and 15,
Revelation Ch:12 v11,
1st John 3:8 , passages that you have already had.

8. And the 8th mighty weapon that God has given us is The Power and Authority of Jesus name.
The Power and Authority of Jesus name.
And the passages that we are to soak right in to very depths of us are John 14:13,14.
John 15:16,
Ephesians 1:21,22.
Phillipians 2:9-11.

So in the 4th place we know our weapons.
We know our weapons.
The invincible weapons of God.
And in this case as we apply them,to somebody afflicted by drugs we are learning how to use the weapons God has put into our hands.

5. We know God's power.

God's power is greater than anything we see.

It is greater than the power of evil in any life that we see.

God's power is greater than any circumstance, any situation we see.

It is greater than anything that we look at.

All to often, all to often, when we look at some person who is being controlled by some evil,when we look at some person who in one way or another is being pushed around by the devil, or by their circumstances or by their past life or whatsoever, we get to looking at the person and we look so hard at the person,and their problems and their needs becomes so big that we cannot see God and our God shrivels up into a tiny little God that you can put in a matchbox.
And the devil wins his victory.
We cannot exercise the faith , we do not exercise the mighty weapons that God has given us.
Now one of the contributing factors to that is,usually we can only see one or two or three ways at the most that God can do anything.

Noe God has a million ways we know nothing at all about,whereby He can exercise His power.
What He needs is not us knowing how He is going exercise His power but our Faith.
When we give Him our Faith then He works in ways of which we may know nothing.

So we are to give Him our Faith and let Him work it out in His way.

I'm going to turn over now to the other side(cassette tape) and we are going to look specifically at the one for whom we are going to pray.

What I've said are the general principles , the general basis from which we operate.

The foundation, foothold if you like Victory from which we are to operate in the life of particular persons who are afflicted by drugs.

Foot note: Please see my earlier blog introduction to this topic.

I will be presenting side 2 of the tape on how we actually are to pray in this situation as soon as I can set aside the time to transcribe from the tape with my 2 finger typing. I welcome any emails from people if they want more information about this subject and other relevant subject matter.
Side 2 link

geoff thompson